Kodi Adults Addon Zip Download

Kodi Adults Addon Zip Download 8,6/10 8379 reviews

Enjoy the Best Kodi Add-ons. Anti-piracy activists pull many third-party Kodi addons, builds, wizards, and repositories down every month. It doesn’t seem this trend will let up soon, so don’t let your video streams run dry. Check this working run-down of the very best Kodi add-ons regularly to keep your Kodi system updated. Select repository.kodil-x.x.zip (that you have download & saved it on your device) Wait few secs, a notification in top right will say ' Kodil Repository Add-on installed ', it mean this repo have installed on your kodi & ready to uses.

  1. Kodi Adults Addon Zip Downloads
  2. Kodi Adults Addon Zip Download Free


  • Addon – VideoDevil;
  • Addon type – Video;
  • Content – Adult content;
  • Language – English;
  • Release date – February 2017;
  • Loading time – Fast;
  • Repository name – TVADDONS.CO Adult 18+ Add-on Repository;
  • Provider name – xbmc-adult;
  • Kodi version – 18+.
  • This add-on is for people with more than 18/21. If you have less than 18/21, please, close this page!

Important Note:

If your country is blocking the access to the contents of this addon, aVPN servicewill be the only solution to your problem. Virtual dj effects pack zip download.

VideoDevil Kodi installation:

  • Select File Manager.
  • Select Add source.
  • Click on <None>.
  • Type the following url http://fusion.tvaddons.co/ and select OK. Click below on “Enter a name for this media source.” type tvaddons and press the ENTERkey on your keyboard. Click on OK.
  • Go back to Home screen.
  • Select Settings>>Add-ons.
  • Select Install from zip file.
  • Select tvaddons.
  • Select kodi-repos/>> ***-adult/.
  • Select repository.kodiadult-*.*.*.zip.
  • After installation, you will get a message stating that the Repository is enabled.
  • Select Install from repository.
  • Select TVADDONS.CO Adult 18+ Add-on Repository.
  • Select Video add-ons.
  • VideoDevil.
  • Select Install >> OK.
  • After installation, you will get a message stating that the Addon is enabled.
  • Go back to Home screen.
  • Select Videos.
  • Select Video add-ons, and finally you will find the add-on.

Important Note:

If by chance the installation from unknown sources is disabled, go to Settings >> System >> Add-ons >> click on Unknown sources (to enable) >> and finally select Yes.

User Rating3(79 votes)

Repository:TVADDONS.CO Adult 18+ Add-on Repository

Kodi Adults Addon Zip Downloads

Unofficial Adult 18+ Kodi Addons from the TVADDONS.CO Add-on Repository. Please visit www.tvaddons.co for support!Kodi is a registered trademark of the XBMC Foundation. We are not connected to or in any other way affiliated with Kodi, Team Kodi, or the XBMC Foundation.

Install Guide via Fusion Installer

  1. Select the Add-ons tab from the vertical menu bar within Kodi.
  2. Click on the little open box icon at the top left corner of the Add-ons interface.
  3. Choose the Install from zip file function.
  4. Select the fusionco server from the listing.
  5. Open the kodi-repos folder.
  6. Select the english folder, or international for foreign language addons.
  7. Select the addon developer's repository: repository.kodiadult-1.0.0.zip
  8. Wait a second for the repository to download.
  9. Select the Install from repository function at this point.
  10. Choose the repository you just installed: TVADDONS.CO Adult 18+ Add-on Repository
  11. Select the repository add-ons category.
  12. Select the addon you wish to install: TVADDONS.CO Adult 18+ Add-on Repository
  13. Click on the Install button at the lower right corner of the screen.
  14. If prompted, select the latest version from the listing.
  15. If prompted, press the OK button to accept necessary dependencies.
  16. Wait a few seconds for the addon and its dependencies to download.

Install Guide via Git Browser

Kodi Adults Addon Zip Download Free

  1. Click on the Add-ons tab from the vertical menu bar within Kodi.
  2. Select the Program add-ons category.
  3. Launch the Git Browser tool from the right side of the screen.
  4. Select the Search by GitHub Username option.
  5. Click on the *** New Search *** function.
  6. Using the on-screen keyboard, enter the addon developer's GitHub username: tvaddons
  7. Press the OK button on the right side of the keyboard.
  8. Click on the corresponding repository ZIP file at the top of the listing, in order to facilitate automated addon updates in the future: repository.kodiadult-1.0.0.zip
  9. Press the Install button when prompted.
  10. Wait a few seconds for the process to complete.
  11. Press the Continue button when prompted to proceed.
  12. Click on the addon ZIP file you wish to install: repository.kodiadult-1.0.0.zip
  13. Press the Install button to proceed.
  14. Wait a few seconds for the addon and dependencies to install.
  15. When prompted, press the Restart button to finalize installation.