Convert .1sc File To Tiff

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Convert .1sc file to tiff converter
  1. Convert .1sc File To Tiff Files
  2. Convert .1sc File To Tiff File Converter

Convert .1sc File To Tiff Files

Convert your PDF files to TIFF image. PDF (Portable Document Format) is a formatting language developed by Adobe, an extensible page-description protocol that implements the native file format based on PostScript language, uses standard compression algorithm, documents can contain text, graphics, multimedia, custom data types and more. Note: For OME-TIFF and TIFF formats, the file extensions.tif and.tiff are associated with the standard 32-bit TIFF, which has a 4GB size limit. On the other hand, the file extensions.tf2,.tf8, and.btf are automatically associated with the 64-bit BigTIFF format, which can store much bigger data. Bio-Formats Remote Importer.

  • Converting JPG files to TIFF (tagged image file format) is necessary if you want to maintain high-quality imagery when sending professional photography or high-resolution files to a print shop. A versatile lossless compression of a raster graphics file, TIFF is great for bringing digital files into a physical format.
  • Windows can't open this file: File: example.1sc To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs that are installed on your computer.

More information on TIFF, Tagged Image File Format (.tiff)

The .tiff file format

TIFF is a file format widely used to store raster images or graphics. It is popular among graphic artists and the publishing community as well as photographers - both professional and amateur. Having previously been developed by Aldus, it was later acquired by Adobe Systems. TIF files are usually stored as TIFF as well.

.tiff technical details

TIFF file format serves the purpose of storing graphics and images with high quality, together with a significant quantity of colors like digital pictures. Slush invaders download. TIFF files also include support for multiple pages and layers, and can be saved most efficiently in a lossless or uncompressed format. Alternatively they can be stored in a lossy way using JPEG compression.

Additional information about TIFF file format

Convert .1sc File To Tiff File Converter

File extension.TIFF
File categoryIMAGE
Useful links
File conversionConvert a file to TIFF
DeveloperAldus, now Adobe Systems
Associated programsCorel PaintShop Pro X6, Microsoft Windows Photos, Microsoft Windows Photo Viewer, Adobe Photoshop CC, Roxio Creator NXT Pro 2